HINDROP is the result of a research project in collaboration with the CSIC that resulted in the patent of a filter media based on zeolites modified with nanotechnology with a total capacity to remove fluoride and arsenic from water. Tagua S.L. is a company with more than 36 years of experience in the sector of the integral water cycle: collection, treatment, desalination, distribution, sanitation, purification and reuse. A few years ago a research project was carried out in collaboration with the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) that resulted in a filter media with total capacity to remove fluoride from water, HINDROP.

HINDROP is and adsorbent material based on natural zeolites modified with nanotechnology through a process that gives the material a high selective capacity to remove the fluoride ion presented in the water for human consumption.

The use of HINDROP ensures that the water has a fluoride concentration below the maximum limit recommended by the WHO (1.5 PPM).

For its use, its only required the arrangement of HINDROP in a container sized for the initial fluoride concentration and the flow rate to be treated. The contact of water with the bed makes HINDROP selectively remove fluoride resulting in a water suitable for human consumption.

The HINDROP filtration technology has a number of qualities that makes the material unique, ecofriendly, efficient and innovative filtration system in the market, highlighting:

High capacity to remove any concentration of fluoride presented in water
Does not require of electricity energy, so can be used in areas without power supply
Its a "ZLD" (Zero Liquid Discharge) technology, as it filters 100% of the raw water.
It does not generate brines or rejection water
Its a socially and economically sustainable material since it can be given a second life to the filter media using it as a soil conditioner as it is a material that does not Leach the retained fluoride
It does not require chemicals products to condition the water before or after the treatment
It does not require qualified personnel for its handling and maintenance
The presence of other elements in the water does not interfere with its high capacity of fluoride adsorption
Offers a high efficiency with any pH, turbidity, alkalinity or temperature value of water
It does not generate residues or polluting chemical substances during its green chemistry manufacture and also not during its use
It is usable in collective and domestic solutions since it principle of operation is similar in both cases when performing gravity filtration
Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Product certificated with NSF/ANSI 616 that certifies compliance with specific standards of safety, quality, sustainability and performance as a substance in contact with water.

HINDROP is a filter media devloped through a research project in collaboration with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Unlike other technologies with capacity of removing fluoride form water, HINDROP has advantages that makes it a very differenciated material in the market.

Industrial production is carried out with standards that ensure a high quality and the absence of contaminants or discharges during its production process in the factory located in the Canary Islands (Spain).
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